This minimalist apartment for a young couple with a baby required a light wood floor to complement the design aesthetic and the airy feel of the interiors. The natural grain of teak wood can be seen which adds to the charm of the space. Balconies in the home have wooden decking which allow efficient drainage of rain water and easy daily maintenance.
Project Details
Timber : Teak Plank Flooring glued and nailed
Adhesive : Bona R850T
Nailing System : L Cleat Nailing System using Primatech Inc serrated cleates
Primer : Bona Prime White
Top Coat : Bona Traffic
Project Summary
This private apartment, located in Panampilly Nagar is designed by Architect Cyril Paul of Ecorythm. The entire apartment is done with Teak plank flooring which is then given a slightly white tone using Bona Prime White and then coated with Bona Traffic. The architect wanted a white tone to the teak flooring.
Get in touch
Gandhi Square, Poonithura
Cochin - 682 038
+91 484 4031559
+91 9995 976 666
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